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The Tea House

Welcome to The Tea House, a space to explore the Alexander Technique.


The Alexander Technique can help you discover:

  • Practical experience of how your body and mind work together

  • Relief from unnecessary tension, stresses and pains

  • New views of yourself and the world; ways to grow and be

The Alexander Technique helps develop embodied awareness so you can think, move and live more freely.


Visit The Tea House

The Tea House is based in Eastcott, Wiltshire and run by teacher Julia Outlaw in her home studio.

Julia has over 15 years experience working with the Alexander Technique - helping people discover a calmer, more stress-free way of living.


What is the Alexander Technique?

The Alexander Technique is a way of moving and thinking with more awareness and ease.  You learn to notice your own subtle connections between your mind and body and to let go of unnecessary tensions.

It has become known as ‘good posture for bad backs’, and it has been proven to significantly help back, and other, pain, long term by improving overall postural tone.

However, it also helps actors, musicians, dancers, sports people, professionals, pre-post natal and in fact anyone who is interested in a new experience and has a desire or need to change.


Start Your Journey

“You can’t change, and yet stay the same”

Patrick MacDonald

Send an enquiry to find out more about the Alexander Technique and how it can work for you.

Whatever questions you have, we always love to hear them. So please feel free to ask away!